Momo — More Monitoring Action in the EU
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The ‘blurred’ silhouette

Awareness Conflict of interests Monitoring yourself Power Whistleblowing


90 min

Group size


Applicable to
digital tools

YES by external softwares




90 min

Group size


Applicable to digital tools

YES by external softwares


This activity helps the participants to reflect on a context, taking into accounts the different points of view and experiences. This activity it is not a test of how much people know about the subject
This activity helps the participants to reflect on a context, taking into accounts the different points of view and experiences. This activity it is not a test of how much people know about the subject



  • Acknowledging that situations in real life are never black and white, but can be different according to from the point of view assumed
  • Achieving a common definition starting from different opinions and from different levels of knowledge/awareness


13 years old


Brainstorming, creative approach, collective discussion


A big sheet of paper (long at least 1.5m and large at least 1m), A3/A2 paper, markers, post-it notes, pens


Not provided


Not provided


This activity allows your group to search for a common definition of a character whose portrait is usually hard to define exactly. This is not an activity to test how much people know about the subject, but to make them understand that sometimes the world is not just black and white: the context, the points of view and the experiences of the people make the difference.
  • Draw a silhouette on a big sheet of paper – lay down a person to do it! (5 min)
  • Propose a figure to reflect on: you can use different categories e.g. the whistleblower, the corrupted, the corruptible, the watchdog, the anti-corruption activist etc
  • Each participant writes on post-it notes some words or sentences about the perception of themselves as the chosen character. Inside of the silhouette, they place post-it notes about how they ‘would feel’ and how they ‘would act’ in this role, outside of the silhouette about how they think the society ‘would perceive them’. Everyone can put as many post-it notes as they want. It is possible to put post-it notes also on the silhouette line itself, if there are some words or sentences that could be intended as both inside and outside statements, they can be ambiguous(20 min)
  • Encourage the participants to collectively organise in macro topics the post-it notes on the big sheet, discussing the choices and explaining the real meaning of their words or sentences. You can ask what is missing and try to enrich together the content already in the silhouette (15 min)
  • Split the group in at least two sub-groups and ask them to create a common definition of the chosen category, using post-it notes as a support (10 min)
  • Merge the groups and lead the discussion about the differences on the definitions and remember that contrasting points of view can coexist about the same topic (15 min)


It is possible to do the exercise in the form of a collage or a mixture of collage and painting. If photo-material is not available, it is also possible to conduct the activity as plain painting or drawing


It is possible to digitally present this activity in a synchronous workshop using a collaborative card tool like: Miro, Oncoo, MURAL or even Jamboard. The tool provides a moderation screen and participants can interact with the cards on the screen via smartphone or computer. The facilitator (with the collaborative work of the participants) can organise the cards on the screen.

To make it less chaotic and easier to manage, if the group exceeds ten people, we suggest dividing the participants into smaller groups and at the same time preparing individual sheets with simpler questions. For example on the first one they should answer how they feel, on the next one how society would perceive them and then proceed with the activity as planned in presence.

Visually, it is always very important for the facilitator to recognise and group similar answers.

Momo — More Monitoring Action in the EU