Momo — More Monitoring Action in the EU
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Choose the ‘good question’

Learning Monitoring question Monitoring the common good


60 min

Group size


Applicable to
digital tools

YES by external softwares




60 min

Group size


Applicable to digital tools

YES by external softwares


By analysing and choosing between different proposals, this activity allows the selection of the ‘good question’ that will be the subject of the monitoring campaign and to obtain a result that is as shared as possible by the participants.It is recommended doing firstly the activity From information to questions’
By analysing and choosing between different proposals, this activity allows the selection of the ‘good question’ that will be the subject of the monitoring campaign and to obtain a result that is as shared as possible by the participants.It is recommended doing firstly the activity From information to questions’



Reaching the final definitive question of the monitoring community


15 years old


Consensus approach


Cardboards, markers, a document with the 8 ‘good question’ criteria for each group


Criteria to choose the good question Download PDF


For an immersive experience of this topic, check out our Escape Game!


  • After having done the activity ‘From information to questions’ your group should have a specific amount of questions: write each of them on a cardboard. Divide the participants into 5 groups and randomly assign an equal number of cards to each group and give them the list with the 8 criteria of a ‘good question’ (See ‘Materials’). Each group has to assess whether the questions meet all the criteria and, if necessary, make small changes (without creating any new questions or selecting them) (20 min)
  • Each group presents the result of its work in the plenary session and proposes which questions to delete or keep. Plan enough time for an exchange of ideas in plenary (20 min)
  • The questions that meet the criteria will be distributed in the space (e.g. each one on a table in a different corner of the room). Participants are invited to move around the room and stand next to the question they think is most suitable for establishing the monitoring community (10 min)
  • Then discard the questions with the least votes and repeat the process until only one question remains. This will be ‘the founding question’ of the monitoring community (10 min)
  • It is suggested to conclude with an activity that allows the group to identify with the ‘good question,’ considering the particularities of your group and the age of the participants. Here are a couple of suggestions (5 min):
  • Participants prepare a coloured poster with the question to hang in the room
  • Make a frame on which to place the question and hang it in the room.
  • Create a circle. Each person repeats the question in turn, one after the other. In the end, all the participants shout it out together


Not provided


  • If you are working online use a video conferencing tool like Zoom, Google Meet or any other platform that supports online meetings, but also breakout rooms.
  • In online or face-to face sessions, you can use Quizlet or Oncoo, both of which are digital tools that provide tools for using digital cards with the questions.

  • By using a software like Padlet, Jamboard, Miro– each group has the opportunity to present the results of their work and give the others the opportunity to comment.

  • By using software like Pingo, or Wooclap you can carry out the stage 3 of the activity – participants vote the question they think is most suitable for establishing the monitoring community.
Momo — More Monitoring Action in the EU